Tuesday, December 16, 2008


hey this is Pudu Girl!
Finally checking in to blogosphere!
I am so sorry for posting since for ever!!!!(not that ya'll have anythin better ta do than look at MY life....)
anyways, Christmas is SOOOOOOO close and I am SO excited for it to be here!!!!
my school is coming along, but I am considering holding off to graduate until next year. I would rather get it done the right way than to rush through it and fail my grades and re- take stuff that I already worked on (sorry if thats confusing).
Bus route is going GREAT!!!
we had two little girls get saved two weeks ago. It was SO cool cause i got to give them the Gospel.
Well, I guess I will TTYL



Amy Fichtner said...

Thanks for posting!! I too am excied about Christmas!! I heard about the girls on the bus and that is great!! You guys are all doing such a great job!!

Carri said...

Praise the Lord~seeing people saved is what it's all about.
It's sop wonderful seeing what the bus route has turned into to. It really was a fun ministry...spinning out on the icy roads, fun filled games making all those defenseless kids eat tear jerkers...lol, maybe I shouldn't go on! Oh, we can;t forget the eastland woods kids...bad bad bad...lol, but we luhved them...every one of 'em!!

NLT said...

aww I miss the busses...so much fun! (except ahving to wake up so early...) Congrats on being able to give the gospel to those two girls! That's what it's all about!
...now for this blog...you need to POST! lol You're worse than me!!!