Tuesday, July 15, 2008

a little more info

hey here are some more specifics-that I thought were kind of funny
As, the Oral surgeon was looking at my mouth, he said "you are going to need some intervention with these teeth." Now if you are a very serious person, you may not understand my humor, but as he said that, I felt like some druggy, who was stopped by the police.
"now ,miss, you are going to need some INTERVENTION with this problem." Can't you just see it now? :))
Anyways, I figured it out, and actually I will be getting eight teeth taken-guess time is money.
The longer my teeth wait to come out, on their own-espesially if they are late, they cost us more money(they have to be pulled). I also feel like a dog every time they say-"your canine's havent' come out yet"(or Dracula).
Oh well,
Catch you later
Pudu Girl

1 comment:

Shelly said...

Did you get your cast off yet?