Monday, July 14, 2008


Hey, what have you all been up to?
last week was a blast at Vacation Bible School.Unfortunately, I couldn't play the ONE game that I really liked,because of my stupid cast.But, yay for me I get it off in two days.And yes, I went to my rather expensive dentist, and I found that I may have to be getting SIX teeth removed.Because of my SMALL there to all of you who think that my mouth gets ample excersize!!!!!
anyways, speaking of excersize, I get to go bike riding soon!!!!!I talked to Amy and her, Jon, and myself may be riding on thursday------------------the day after I get my cast off!!!
so, guess I'll save all of my other chit chat for later.
Pudu Girl


Anonymous said...

What do you mean by Amy and her Jon??? Hmmm? I;m glad you're finally getting your cast off, you've totally endured it long enough! :-P

NLT said...

YAY! Cast off day is coming! lol I'm sure you're more than ready! And you a big mouth? Who ever said that?!? lol But 6 teeth?!? That is a lot! At least you'll get some laughging gas out of it! lol At leasst i did for mine anyway..make sure you J/k Don't do that!!! :P Let me know when exactly the surgery is so I can pray for you!

NO TURNING BACK-the life of a very blonde Baptist said...

they haven't scheduled a surgery yet, but the next time that they can even schedule a consultation is in Sep.
anyways-did I write Amy and her Jon?that's not what I meant.I meant Amy and Jon-not her Jon!!!!!!!!
get yourt head out of the clouds:p-smokey :))

NO TURNING BACK-the life of a very blonde Baptist said...

hey, I re-read my post and I guess I should have replaced my punctuation, but I meant that her, myself and Jon are going riding :)