Tuesday, April 29, 2008

You Tube

so for all of you Bloggers who can tell me how to post clips from You Tube on my blog.


NLT said...

OK, two ways! lol If you want the video directly on there, (this is the one I usually choose that way people can stay right on the page) on the right of most videos (I say most becuase some are blocked so you cannot post them) there are codes to copy and paste, but there is also a link that says "customize" where you can click on it, and choose a skin color, and also if you want them to add related videos at the end (I always choose no just because you nver know what videos are going to come up, i.e. good or bad), Then you just post the link under your "HTML tab" when you're creating a post and publish! The other way is to just copy and paste a link directly to the YouTube page! People can easily return to your blog by hitting the "back" arrow! Hope that helps and wasn't too confusing! Good luck! Any questions or I was confusing just email me! I look FW to some good videos! :P

NO TURNING BACK-the life of a very blonde Baptist said...

thanks i'll try it
c u
Pudu Girl

Anonymous said...

May I ask 'why' Kelly? Are you planning on posting some Bel-Air bloopers??? LOL.

NO TURNING BACK-the life of a very blonde Baptist said...

probably not, because some of the bloopers have stuff that I don't want to promote-since this is my blog, I don't want anyone to think that I approve of everything on that show.
but I do that there are a few REALLY funny episodes
but you need to be careful not judge one good show of those, and think that all will be the same, I have seen some ones where I had to turn it off
catch you later
Gumshoe Girl

NO TURNING BACK-the life of a very blonde Baptist said...

ugg sry i accidentaly erased some of the words in the little post that i just posted, so i hope that you got the idea
gumshoe girl

Anonymous said...

PG.. I know there are certain things on the show that we would never promote. Please don't think I'm not aware of that. I only said that in a joking sense of humor because of the way you are whenever you spend the night. Hense the "LOL".