Friday, May 2, 2008

Starbucks, shoes-yeah my style

So everybody,
what cha been up to?
so, like I've been care-free, sippin Starbucks,being a shopper chick,and eating salomi to my hearts content.
Here at my Aunt and Uncle's house I have NO responsibilities, and can sleep in as LONG as I want to , and when I do wake up,I can run downstairs, snuggle up in a blanket and watch "House Hunters and TRU. Tv" as long as my detective heart longs to-well, until we leave the house to go to Starbucks.No, its not my life all of the time, or else I would be a lazy bum, but this little vacation is REALLY helping me chill out..................................
See you all at church in C.O.T.H.
Pudu Girl


Anonymous said...

I miss ya PG! Can't wait to see ya Wed. and... yeah... those diamonds and my Japanese fan! You know me sooo well!

I'm glad your having a relaxing time on vaca. Don't get too spoiled there, JK, lol!

NO TURNING BACK-the life of a very blonde Baptist said...

what diamonds-e-mail me first
Pudu Girl

NLT said...

I love Tru Tv!!!! :P lol The detctive shows are the best "investigators" is my fav, and it's on like all saturday!! lol Glad you're having such a great Vaca!!!! Everyone deserves time to just sleep late and vegg!!! lol
p.s. nice new layout! But I think I like the pink better, it's more "PuduGirl" lol

NO TURNING BACK-the life of a very blonde Baptist said...

thanks but i like to change it alot
hee hee

Anonymous said...

Sorry about the spoiler... woops.