Tuesday, June 3, 2008

the "Master"-may the -uh-fish? be with you???

so anyways,
at the campsite we had some really interesting nieghbors.
this one guy thought that he knew everything about cleaning fish, making cast iron pots and pans, Baptists and Apastolics.
Some of the boys dubbed him the "Master"
it was hysterical!!!
Anyways, if you noticed that the title of my last post was "God Bless Us EVERYONE",you may have wondered why.Well, if you have ever read, or watched Dickens A Christmas Carol-you might know that Tiny Tim, the little boy, who is destined to live his life on crutches always quotes"God Bless Us -everyone"
Yep-that's me
I feel that phrase will be my quote-until i lose the crutches-:)
see ya'll
Pudu Girl


NLT said...

lol cute! Does that mean i can call you "Tiny Tim"?

NO TURNING BACK-the life of a very blonde Baptist said...

yep-guess so ;p
ya know-i'm a crip