Thursday, May 29, 2008

"God Bless Us, Everyone"

Well, how did everyone's Weekend turn out?
Mine was VERY eventful, but wonderful.
I went camping with some friends from church,from Friday-Monday.
We started out at noon or so, after writing the Gospel out on the trailer that we were to be hauling(with window markers).
After traveling for about four hours, we arrived at our destination-Lake Hope;which is near Hawking Hills.
Anyways,after setting up our campsite, and going fishing, my sister,and two of our friends, and myself; went up to the shower house.
As we were leaving, I went to step down from the top step, and for some reason, my mind did not register that htere was a lamding on the ground.It wa concrete.........................
I lost my balance, as my foot twisted inward.Falling to the pavement on my ancle.
At first, it didn;'t hurt, but in the morning, I could barely put my sock on.
Saturday was spent paddleboating, and hanging out. In the evening,we ate the fish that my friend's dad had caught-it was actually really good.
Sunday we went to a Baptist church, and the service was decent-it was the only one that was close.No, there weren't any drums or that kind of thing, but it just isn't MY church-and nothing will ever come close I guess.I noticed though, that my foot was really swollen -the high heels didn't help eighthter.
Monday,we traveled back, Tuesday I went to the doctor,who sent me to the hospital, who in turn sent X-Ray results to the doctor, who sent me to a podiatrist.
In the end, I found out that I have a broken foot,and have had one since Friday.
I will be in a soft cast for six weeks!!!!!
Oh well, guess thats what you get when you face the great outdoors-BUT I LOVE IT.
There is so much more that I could post, but I'll save that for another time.
Talk to You later
Pudu Girl


NLT said...

Glad you had a good time camping! :P I love the new template I think it's my fav so far! Sorry about your foot! Your a trooper though for putting up with it for days! (literally!) Good to see you this past Sunday...even if you were crippled!lol j/k

NO TURNING BACK-the life of a very blonde Baptist said...

OH MY-you crack me up-"trooper" maybe that'll be my new nickname
you're Def at that kind of stuff!

NLT said...

What's "Def"? lol

NO TURNING BACK-the life of a very blonde Baptist said...

oh-you haven't heard that one?
it means that you are good at something-urban dict. for ya
holla back

NLT said...

Hey! I rule the urban dict!!! lol That reminds me I haven't done a new post under that in awhile... :P Better get on that! lol Well, at least i learned soemthing new today... :P