Monday, April 14, 2008

well everyone here is my sonific thingy-check through and find the song "Fits o giggles"
CLASSIC CELTIC CUTENESS (and a song that describes the all giggle pudugirl)


Anonymous said...

Hahaha. Cute song, it cracks me up each n' every time. lol. Have you been back to Sonific? I was expecting some more Celticness from you.. =D

NO TURNING BACK-the life of a very blonde Baptist said...

yeah i have -but i got some more classical songs today

NLT said...

aww i didn't get to hear it! Is it still on there after the "Storm" song? i'll flip through in asec. If not you have to put it back on there! lol Or maybe I'll steal it for mine! :P Love the pic! Love how your blogging to! I feel bad I haven't checked in a few days and I earned my lesson! Your's is a blog to check! lol Lotsa posts! I love it!

NLT said...

p.s. I was going to ask you.. what is the "Price of a Page" about? is that about the boy in Africa? lol It may sound funny if that's not it but I was j/w Love your profile short and cute..unlike mine! lol I never know when to shut up! :P Oh and where is your profile pic from?

Anonymous said...

The Price Of A Page
Author: P.G.