Friday, April 25, 2008

Well anyways,
I had a GREAT birthday-
first, I slept in until 9:30(which actually happens --------alot)
and then I got up and played Littlest Pet Monopoly with my sister(it is SO cute)
and then I went on a tour of Goodyear Tire and Rubber company-it is AWSOME!!!!
and then I went to Red Lobster and then to a park and had cake, and then to a revival meeting and then to Stricklands YAY ME!!!!!!!
(how many "and thens" can YOU fit in a paragraph?)hee hee
I got TONS of cool stuff and I am having ALOT of FUN!!!
thankyou for everything !!!!
see you later!!!
Pudu Girl-sweet 16


Anonymous said...

Have a GR8 "Super Sweet 16" ~>

(0 0)
(\ /) But I think I already told you that... lol!

NO TURNING BACK-the life of a very blonde Baptist said...

thanks cheetoz kip