Wednesday, April 23, 2008

my Birthday!

so thankyou to everyone who remembered:p (miss Swampie :P)j/k
and thanks for all of the presents too!
and N.T., I still have to give you your card ....... whenever I see you again -it's been SSOO LONG!!!
anyways see you later!


NLT said...

you're right it has been a long time!!! lol too long lol but i will be there tomorrow so i'll see everyone then! glad you had a great birthday! sounds like you did a lot!!! Hope you enjoyed it!

Anonymous said...

Swampie? What's been up with Swampie? How'd that come up? I thought I was Kip... or Sami-chan... or Cheetoz... but Swampie???

Ok! =D

NLT said...

kip form Npoleon Dynamite? Yea, I guess I see that... LOL JUST KIDDING! But seriously, the first time I read Kip on here, that's what I thought of! lol No direct correlation to you though Sam! lol I would like to know where "Swampie" came from...sounds kinda interesting...